
Apart from our own wines, the gift shop stocks a range of wine and food-related products such as, glasses, drop-stops, wine serving products, corks screws, cups and aprons, as well as some of Prince Henrik’s publications, poems and memoirs.

Visitors can taste our wines free of charge at the shop.






Tribal art collection

Visitors to the gift shop can also admire a number of artefacts from Prince Henrik’s tribal art collection. The display in the shop includes Asian jade, African statues and masks, and Inuit artworks. Some of the prince’s sculptures are also on display. The full collection can be viewed in the château's vaulted cellars for groups of minimum 10 persons.  The prize of the visit which icludes also a guided tour in the park and winetasting at the shop is 10 euros pr. person.  You can book a tour by sending us a mail.  




Directions and visitor information.

The Château de Cayx is located at about 20km from Cahors and can be accessed via the D811 and the D145.


The shop is opened all year round and every day from 10:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 18:00 except Sundays. From november 1st until march 31 teh shop is closed Sundays and Mondays.




Disabled access: the château gift shop has disabled access and disabled toilets.